A new version of the Daedalus wallet is available. From the release notes: Daedalus 4.0.5 updates the Catalyst voting registration feature to address the new Fund4 schedule, and also resolves some minor issues. https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900006675083 As ever we recommend to upgrade in the wallet by starting then accepting the upgrade option. You may not have explored…
People of IOG- Dr. Lars Brunjes
Charles has been running an interview series which you may have noticed. This episode with Lars caught our eye recently, super interesting to hear him talking about growing up in Germany during the 80’s prior to the wall coming down. We really like how this series showcases IOG staff and gives an insight into the…
Cardano Metrics E1-259
We’ve been messing around with Cardano-db-sync which puts the entire block chain into a Postgres SQL database instance, and means you can easily access via SQL or PostgREST. This will allow us to start offering some better realtime stats for our delegators, and lay the foundations for some services we are planning to develop. As…
Cardano Blockchain Insights
Some great insight here on Google data studio from Cardano Fans Stake Pool. Covering Delegation, Supply, Stake Pools, Social, Treasury, Development, and Native Tokens. Worth checking out if you are interested in stats for the Cardano Blockchain. We are also working on adding some real time insight for delegators for this site. Stay tuned. P.S.…
Cardano Node 1.26.1
A new version of Cardano Node has been released as part of the transition to Smart contracts in Alonzo. There will be another release before that however this version makes a number of changes that will support the transition along with a large number of performance improvements. From the release notes: This release includes significant…