We’ve just completed a round of upgrades to the ADAvault hardware stack which we use to host all infrastructure we run. Compute is now based on AMD EPYC rather than Intel as we found that the AMD offering was more competitive at this refresh, resulting in approximately 200% increase in processing power and cores available.…
Growth Strategy
A great video update from Charles has just landed covering the Electric Capital developer report, which among other areas explores development ecosystems and community links across chains. You’ll recall if you’ve been following Cardano for a while that this has been an area that Charles has had focus on from the early days (recall the…
Year in review
It’s that time again. As 2023 comes to a close after another busy year, Tim and crew are taking a journey through some of the highlights that made this year truly remarkable for the Cardano ecosystem. From the groundbreaking research at IOG to the launch of transformative projects from an array of builders, Cardano has…
Rosen Bridge
Bridges are an important part of the crypto landscape to provide liquidity and integration between crypto ecosystems such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano. Historically though, bridges have suffered from insecure and centralised implementations with a long history of compromise by threat actors. A new bridge between Cardano and Ergo (simplistically a PoW partner of Cardano)…
Cardano 360 November
It’s that time of the month again! Updates from the recent summit in Dubai feature heavily this month. Loads happening as ever. Details: The Voltaire update shared that the Cardano Ballot on CIP1694 opens on Dec 1 and closes on Dec 11 at 21:44 UTC. It’s worth submitting your feedback in this non-binding poll on…