Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.24.2

A new version of the node has just been released. From the release notes:

This release provides support for the upcoming Allegra and Mary hard forks and the new features they bring.

The Allegra hard fork adds some features needed to support the Catalyst treasury scheme. It extends the existing multi-sig script language with predicates for time, via the slot number. It allows, for example, to make a script address that is not spendable until a certain point in time.

The Mary hard fork adds multi-asset support. This is comparable to ERC20 and ERC721 tokens, but supported natively in the UTxO ledger. This is part of the Goguen feature set. It is a very significant feature and will have implications for all Cardano wallet implementations, including exchanges.

Ops will install this on the passive cluster and soak test, with an anticipated switch at the end of this Epoch.