Cardano Updates

CIP 1694 Voltaire Governance

We recommend checking out the proposal on GitHub for CIP1694 that proposes an approach for Governance of Cardano in the Voltaire era.

It’s an elegant and impressive document, both for the obvious thought that has gone into it, and for the simplicity that has been achieved for what is a very complex topic. The core mechanism reuses the delegation design inherent in the Cardano protocol which should simplify adoption and uptake.

We recommend that you take the time to read it (allow at least 30 mins to read and some more to digest).

Charles also covers Voltaire in a recent You Tube update, embedded below for convenience. As ever this is worth a watch.

We will add some analysis and comments to this post in the coming weeks to cover our thoughts.


Cardano Foundation have published a blog post about on chain polls for SPOs which links to CIP-0094. The idea is that SPOs will have the ability to vote on polls or proposed changes (for example protocol upgrades) which will be weighted according to delegated stake. CIP-0094 is an interim (simplified) step to CIP-1694.

We have been thinking about this more and it seems sensible that we will publish a set of voting principles that ADAvault pools will follow when voting so that delegators have complete transparency on voting intentions. These principles will be static unless advised with a significant lead time, and will be neutral. That is the principles will be aligned to increasing the success of the Cardano Blockchain and overall ecosystem, and the optimisation of ADA prices rather than any partisan interest. We’ll share these in the coming months so delegators can comment if they wish.

That way delegators do not have to actively monitor voting decisions, with confidence that the pools will provide a reliable return and represent their interests as stated.

1 Picture by Sir William Quilter Orchardson: Voltaire (1694-1778)

Voltaire was at a dinner hosted by the Duc de Sully at which he outsmarted the Duc de Rohan in argument. Rohan had Voltaire summoned from the room and beaten by his servants. The incident represented is Voltaire’s return to the dining-room, and his appeal to his host to challenge the insult. The guests are seated at an elaborately laid table, the Duc at the head turning disdainfully to Voltaire, who stands with white face, clenched hands, and irate gesture, to the right.

For more about the picture see

You will have no doubt guessed where the CIP reference number comes from as well…

2 There is a great summary PDF of CIP-1694 available on the Cardano Forum by Able Pool.

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