Cardano Updates

Daedalus 4.0.3

A new version of Daedalus has been released with a host of improvements including Native Tokens, improved Trezor support, and better CSV exports. From the release notes: Daedalus 4.0.3 brings support for native tokens, making Daedalus a multi-asset wallet that enables users to send and receive native tokens.  This release also includes the countdown to…



So we have now passed the point where the decentralisation parameter “d” reaches zero. What does this mean? The d parameter sets the amount of blocks produced by Stake Pools (like ADAvault) versus the genesis nodes operated by IOG (the creators of the Cardano system). At the start of the Cardano blockchain (the Byron Era)…

Site Announcements

1000th block minted for ADV

When we first registered ADAvault on mainnet, very late in the night on the 30th July 2020, at the very beginning of the Shelley era, this seemed an almost impossible target. But we’ve just reached it! And on the way we’ve been able to provide our delegators with nearly 1M₳ in rewards. So we might…

Site Announcements

Reward Sharing and Pledge

Prof. Aggelos Kiayias (Chief Scientist at IOHK) takes us through how rewards and pledging works on Cardano and why pledge matters (if you are staking with us you already know this). Worth a watch because the father of the system really does know how it works and why it was designed this way…

Cardano Community

Cardano Ecosystem

The breadth and depth of the Cardano ecosystem is becoming truly world-class. It’s now more than 150 organisations from across the globe. The growth rate is remarkable. From outstanding academic institutions like Edinburgh, Oxford and Cambridge, Zurich, Athens and Urbana-Champaign to leading edge technology companies like Wolfram Alpha and SingularityNet, through a roster of the…