Interesting links

Coin Bureau Cardano update

Coin Bureau have a great Youtube channel. Really enjoyable presentation, technically strong, and good analysis. This recent update on Cardano is well worth watching.

Cardano Community

Staking lifecycle

A generic version of the staking life cycle infographic as an SVG format vector file that you can modify and use. If you improve please share back with the community.

Interesting links

Bitcoin Power Consumption

Some really nice work on the energy consumption of Bitcoin from the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at Cambridge University. The current estimate is 10GW, with a lower bound of 3.94GW, and upper bound of 16.78GW. That’s 5 orders of magnitude higher than Cardano. If we assume approximately 50W per pool (reasonable for an efficient modern…

Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.23.0

Now this is properly exciting. The new Cardano Node has been released which sets the stage for the transition to Goguen. From the release notes: This release includes a substantial amount of internal changes to support the upcoming Allegra and Mary hard forks and the new features they bring. This is not the final release before the…

Cardano Updates

Daedalus 2.5.0

A new week, a new Daedalus release. Daedalus 2.5.0  brings the ability to save transactions to CSV files. It also introduces new sharing functionality for receiving addresses, with QR codes and exporting addresses to a PDF file with a personalized note. More solid improvements in functionality to the best Cardano dark mode wallet on the…