Economist Robin Hanson writes on his blog Overcoming Bias about the impact of the Overton Window and the art of the possible in politics. The Overton window is defined as the spectrum of ideas on public policy and social issues considered acceptable by the general public at a given time. He starts: The main thing that…
Staking in Cardano
A welcome post by the “Architect of Staking”: Prof Aggelos Kiayias (Chief Scientist, IOHK), which acknowledges the importance of pledging in the protocol in order to achieve the objectives of the Cardano ecosystem: Engage all stakeholders – This is important since the more stakeholders are engaged in the system, the more secure the distributed ledger will be. This also means…
Decentralisation of the Cardano ecosystem is important because it helps the network maintain operational resilience against denial of service attacks and other forms of network and service outages; for example the Dyn DNS outage that took a large amount of the internet offline a few years back. It also helps ensure that the network is…
Steve Jobs- Lost 1995 interview
Not a Cardano post, but this is a very interesting interview by Bob Cringely as part of his series Triumph of the Nerds (which is well worth watching to understand the development of the computer industry), and whether you are an Apple fan on not gives a real insight into what made Steve Jobs tick,…
K parameter increasing
IOHK have announced that the K parameter which sets a soft cap on the total number of stake pools is increasing from Epoch 234 (Sunday 6th December) from 150 to 500, with a goal to further increase to 1000 in March 2021. The announcement explains the rationale: First and foremost, the rewards sharing mechanism of…