
#1 in Daedalus

We were pleased to see ADV ranked at #1 in Daedalus when we checked at the beginning of Epoch 260. That’s 2 pools in the top 20. There is some luck in it of course, both pools have had a great run over the last 5-10 Epochs. But there is also an element of getting…


Cardano Metrics E1-259

We’ve been messing around with Cardano-db-sync which puts the entire block chain into a Postgres SQL database instance, and means you can easily access via SQL or PostgREST. This will allow us to start offering some better realtime stats for our delegators, and lay the foundations for some services we are planning to develop. As…



So we have now passed the point where the decentralisation parameter “d” reaches zero. What does this mean? The d parameter sets the amount of blocks produced by Stake Pools (like ADAvault) versus the genesis nodes operated by IOG (the creators of the Cardano system). At the start of the Cardano blockchain (the Byron Era)…


A Fistful of Dollars?

Like a lot of the crypto community we’ve been having some fun on Twitter today… And you know it’s been a day to pause and reflect… before the work starts again. But the next phase is where things start to get exciting. So much is due to land for Cardano during 21… native tokens, smart…


Increased transactions

You might have caught the news that Cardano is now second only to BTC in terms of transaction value. It’s interesting to see how transaction volume has increased over the last month on the ADAvault pools. You can see this on our performance dashboard (all our delegators get to see the same metrics and data…