Cardano Community

Cardano Node Security Monitoring

Modern security practices require a balanced focus between prevention, detection and response capabilities. Implementing Cardano Node on Linux gives a secure base to start, with some basic things that should be in place to lock down access for relays and block producing nodes: But even the best security defences can be breached. And this is…

Cardano Community

Cardano Node Networking

Some notes on the network structure for Cardano as this is not very clear from the official documentation. Syncing the blockchain depends on outbound connections to other nodes The node needs to connect to other well-synchronised nodes to collect the latest blockchain slots. There are a few ways to acheive this: Connect to the IOHK…

Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.24.2

A new version of the node has just been released. From the release notes: This release provides support for the upcoming Allegra and Mary hard forks and the new features they bring. The Allegra hard fork adds some features needed to support the Catalyst treasury scheme. It extends the existing multi-sig script language with predicates…

Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.23.0

Now this is properly exciting. The new Cardano Node has been released which sets the stage for the transition to Goguen. From the release notes: This release includes a substantial amount of internal changes to support the upcoming Allegra and Mary hard forks and the new features they bring. This is not the final release before the…