Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.21.1 Released

From the release notes: This release includes support in the cardano-cli for multi-signature addresses and transactions. It also resolves a problem that has been affecting pool operators at the 48-hour mark within each epoch. It has various other minor improvements and fixes detailed below. The “Live View” mode for the Cardano node is being deprecated in favour…

Interesting links

New version of Daedalus

A new version 2.3.0 of the wallet is available. From the release notes: The Daedalus 2.3.0 release delivers automatic updates, removing the need for manually downloading Daedalus installers in the future. This release also brings improvements to the delegation user experience with improved stake pool ranking and off-chain data aggregation server (SMASH). Daedalus is now…

Interesting links

Singularity Net

If you love AI and you love Cardano you’ll love this….


PoS versus PoW (2/2)

In the first part of this post we examined how the properties of Bitcoin, which enabled it to bootstrap the cryptocurrency ecosystem in 2009, became a problem as it scaled to millions of users with a network value of billions of dollars. Primarily use of the Proof of Work (PoW) protocol which leads to: Excessive…


PoS versus PoW

One of the significant benefits of Cardano is that it relies on Proof of Stake (PoS) to secure the chain rather than Proof of Work (PoW). Why is this a better method? Elliot Hill from the Cardano Foundation recently explored the history of PoS versus PoW in an excellent forum post: Consensus mechanisms are essential…