Interesting links

IOHK Sponsors New Haskell Foundation

The independent, open, non-profit body will support tools, libraries, education, and research. Simon Peyton Jones has just announced the launch of the Haskell Foundation at the Haskell eXchange virtual conference. The foundation is an independent, open, non-profit organization dedicated to broadening the adoption of the Haskell language, by supporting its ecosystem of tools, libraries, education, and research.

Interesting links

Cross Chain Communication

This YouTube clip from Charles was released about 3 months ago, but does a great job explaining the approach to interoperability between chains, tokens, and native assets on the Cardano blockchain. This links back to the previous post on Open Source which touches on tokens. It explains how NiPoPoWs (Non-Interactive Proofs of Proof-of-Work) will be…


Open Source Matters

Flicking through r/cardano and noticed this post which compares Cardano and ERC-20 (the Ethereum Standard for on-chain tokens). The comparison is interesting, although most seasoned Cardano followers will already know that the approach to native assets will be very strong compared to other implementations. What stood out more was a comment that Polkadot had reused…

Cardano Updates

Daedalus 2.4.0 released

A new version of Daedalus has just been released. If you installed the last version then it will prompt you to update when you launch. Daedalus 2.4.0 has a much improved UI for delegation. There is also a walkthrough from Darko explaining the changes… You’ll find ADV at #171 #71 in the Stake Pool list…

Interesting links

The leadership we need

Great video from Charles on speculation in crypto markets. Every now and then it’s good to remind ourselves why Cardano has the potential to be such a transformational force for good in the 21st Century. Leadership matters.